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“Lost in Translation”

or Looking for the unpublished translations of ancient drama

3 June 2024

Library Amphitheatre of the Faculty of Philosophy, N.K.U.A.

The Laboratory of Ancient Drama and Theatre Research of the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is organizing on June 3, 2024 (Amphitheatre of the Library, School of Philosophy, N.K.U.A.) the Conference entitled:

“Lost in Translation”

or Looking for the unpublished translations of ancient drama

The aim of the Conference is to bring to light unpublished modern Greek translations of ancient drama, investigating their translational identity and theatrical dynamics, but also to highlight translation/theatrical issues related to this particular case of translations whose author consciously chose (if not forced for various practical reasons) not to publish them. This is an additional valuable – and largely  not utilized – archival material for the investigation of the linguistic, translational, theatrical and, more generally, cultural reception of ancient drama in the modern post-war, post-junta and contemporary Greece (not excluding the identification of even older unpublished translations).

The Conference is part of the Research Programme “Unpublished translations of Ancient Drama: Detection - Collection - Recording– Evaluation”, which was approved by the Research Committee of the Special Account for Research Funding N.K.U.A. within the framework of the Action “Research in Postclassical Studies - Constantinos Tsagadas Trust”, the development and results of which will be presented at the Conference, where selected extracts of unpublished translations will also be presented in the form of an Analogue.


Scientific – Organizational Committee

Kaiti Diamantakou – Titika Dimitroulia – Maria Georgousi – Grigoris Ioannidis –  Ioanna Remediaki



Invitation to the Conference

Programme of the Conference
